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2 piece
Inspired by the muse of springs and well this outfit is a perfect depition of spring with all its delights.
Box pleated culottes tailored to perfection and embroidered with vibrant floral details. Ethereal printed crop top with fine metallic and thread detailing on the neckline. Perfect for an easy breezy outdoor
2 piece- Pure cotten net shirt with screen printed lining and pure raw silk pants
A representation of muse of epic poetry and prose "calliope" is an assymetrical cut flowy short dress,
with crystally chiniosery patterns and figurative details, paired with box pleated trousers finished with
sheer organza screen printed fabric.
2 piece
Belted with sheer organza, draped in embroidered fineries and embellished in intricate 3-D flowers this outfit represents the goddess of love and beauty. Soft lavender base dressed in beautiful hues of spring this outfit is perfect of a summer serenade on a romantic evening.
3 piece- organza shirt, pure raw silk pant and crinkle chiffon dupatta.
Pale yellow sheer organza dressed with 3 D flower embroidery details and crystal & pearl finishings.
A perfect representation of spring festivity, perfect for day and evening events.