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Afsara is a quintessential blush toned chikankari, blooming into the timeless but traditional hues of culture, channeling the old-school romance with a hint of modern twist and a pop of color. Paired with a veil and a shawl, sets the mood to a whole new ethereal level of a celestial beauty. This testament of craftsmenship is further enhanced with the meticulous details of dabka, resham, mukesh, mirror work, swarvoski and 3D florals ✨
This Ivory and Maroon Heirloom is a timeless piece for generations to treasure. This ever so graceful embroidery is the classic representation of sovereignty, a dress made for an empress. The grandiose of this exquisitely velvet appliqued design is further enhance with heavy hand sewn zardozi with jewel studded details. The simplicity of the Ivory and wine color is luxuriously upgraded with a gossamer metallic shine shawl dressed with bold paisley motifs and a solid wine colored minimalistic head dupatta for a striking finish. The outfit is epitomized in three words; Vintage, Regal and Vivacious.
Marjaan is a twist of sultry modernism with traditional nostalgia. It is a Multi-hued Ombre shaded modern-look Peshwas style, ideal for a modern festive look.
Contemporizing the conventional techniques and reinventing the concept of Eastern couture, Marjaan is more of a red carpet look. An eclectic mix of; cut-dana, Swarovski, sequins, lace applique and screen print amalgamates to give a global appeal to the outfit, breaking free from the traditional couture.
Infuse emblematic charm with iridescent shades of gold and copper paired with modern sleeveless kalidaar- reflecting vintage charm. Majestically ornate chatta patti adorned with zardozi and metallic thread detailing makes the outfit stand out in a crowd with aplomb.
Bhaag-Bhari is an apt representation of a seasoned modern bride who takes heirloom craft and contemporary style hand-in-hand with élan.
Straight out of fairy tale, this dreamy silhouette is a mélange of multi-hued florid. The gleaming shades of gold veneering are over the levitating grace of pastels. An imaginative balance of rose quartz palette in the farshi lehnga, is adding the theatrical touch with the chatta patti and dainty antique zardozi details.
Straight from the sartorial realm, this outfit is an heirloom expression exuding unparalleled radiance. This timeless beauty pays homage to customs and traditions of the subcontinent.
The long shirt and farshi lehnga is loaded with imperial adornments, gliding trail elevating its grandiose. Intricate zardozi details flow through this entire outfit in floral patterns made in minuscule details of resham, mukaish, nagina-work and marori jaal. The farshi lehnga is sheer opulence stitched masterfully in pure kamkhwaab and brocade with bejeweled details in the sprawling luxurious fabric. Two dupattas are paired with this regal bridal one minimalistic gossamer tissue one and the other in a deep maroon shade with applique velvet motifs.
An enchanting deep ocean blue silhouette, captivating to the eye with glistening sparkles like the starry night sky. This midnight mystic is made of plush velvet, a true representation of royalty.
A magnificent Kalidaar emanating vintage royalty with a ceremonial 7 yard Hyderabadi Khara dupatta.
This outfit is a traditional statement with glistening jewel encrusted embellishments that end gracefully into a rustic antique crushed gold tissue lehnga.
Nikhaar is a bright mustard mirror-work ensemble, adorned with nakshi and dabka. It is a quintessential traditional dress which transcends into glam filled bridal attire. Elegance and enigma paired together into a dress making it more beguiling than beauty itself. The glitters, gleams and tassles are adding the right amount of drama to the exuding warmth of yellow.
It is a 3 piece dress, paired with a long trailing veil along, a teal-blue velvet blouse; revitalizing the whole attire to a whole new royalty.