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This luxuriously voluminous pure Indian tissue lehnga is a vintage dazzler. With a whooping flare over 550 inches, this lehnga is dressed heavily in an overall running floral pattern. The work is a mixture of zardozi antique embellishment mixed with mirror work and colored applique on top of the glimmering ivory base. The bottom of the lehnga transcends into Mughal arches that give a beautiful contrast on the sweeping bottom. The blouse is cut into a victorian vintage style, sported with crisp leg-o-mutton puff sleeves and a standing U-shaped neckline with a back collar. The blouse is completely carpeted in intricate chatta patti refined with heavy antique zardozi work. This piece focuses on the ancestral craft of the subcontinent with the smallest size of embellishment material. This bridal is masterfully finished with a stunning 4-yard dupatta, with heavy zardozi + mukaish work borders, and vintage floral motifs made in patchwork which is spread all over the dupatta with a spray of sequins and Swarovski’s. Fabrics = Pure Indian tissue (lehnga), Pure organza + tissue (blouse), Net with satin and kamkhwab trimmings (dupatta). Customization of colors and work is possible.
Mirror work galore is all you can say about this lehnga. Delicately converging linear lines of gota, sheesha and zardozi with bead workflow gracefully from waist to bottom where the outfit finishes into a thick navy blue zardozi border. The hemline is further decorated with Mughal flower pot motifs made in resham and zardozi. The lehnga is tucked and stitched flawlessly with a patterned embellished belt and jewelry hanging tassels. The blouse of this outfit is thoughtfully composed of intricate florals and birds, a striking eagle motif circles the back of the blouse into an artistic peephole detail. The outfit is finished with a navy blue geometric bordered dupatta with spread-out diagonal gota and zardozi lines. The inner side is a striking chatta patti finishing with hanging coins for trimmings. This outfit makes a perfect statement for shendi/sangeet and all vibrant festive events. (Color + work customization is possible. Sleeves with work on them are available at the same price). Fabric = Korean raw silk (lehnga), Raw silk + net + kamkhwaab (blouse), Net with raw silk patti (dupatta).
“Kırmızı” a glance of deep Scarlet symbolizing the era of elegance. The lavishness of this hue takes you into the mesmerizing world of intricate craftmanship and rich roots.
It’s just a pretty outfit till it’s hanging. When she owns it on her special day, it changes everything. It turns into an unforgettable and glorious day to remember forever.
The Aurelie pouch is intricately hand patched in color coded, triangular pattern, finished with pitta, zardozi and kiran details.
Fabric: Pure organza with silk lining
Pouch type: Patch Heavily laden in gota, mirror work, pearl and resham details and finished flawlessly with old-school kiran and jewelled tassels.
Exquisitely carved in an elongated cutwork shape, masterfully hand painted and enhanced with zardozi, pearl, and Swarovski details. This classic renaissance inspired piece is delicately finished with hanging pearl details and bejeweled straps.
Fabric: Raw silk
Pouch type: Oval purse