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Sylvia- reflects the ethereal femininity through its rich embellishments on hand painted details with delicate cut lines. Rose petal inspired double layered pants complete the look. The tinge of pink on the tender ivory, tempers with the purity of white turning up the mood more romantic and frivolous.
Fabric: Pure organza shirt, sheer organza dupatta and chiffon georgette pants.
Cordelia -soft cotton net made in youthful hues of lilac and pinks; embroidered in delicate cross stitch embroidery and dainty sterling details.
For a balmy spring evening out with friends or a family festive gathering- this outfit will surely have some heads turned in a crowd.
Fabrics: Pure Cotton Net shirt, Sheer organza dupatta and raw silk trousers.
A pure mirror and Swarovski composed delight, colored in blended hues of yellow in ombre style. The outfit represents ethnic patterns combined with bold scenic details on the hemline. Paired with sleek boot-cut pants-edged with sparkling scallops and thoughtful tassel details which complete the look for any event of the festive season.
May it be a daytime get together or an evening soiree- this outfit will definitely stand out as a style statement.
Fabric: Pure organza, sheer Organza Dupatta and raw silk Trouser.
This classic outfit is composed with the finest zardozi work that artistically scallops from the neckline to the side seams and into a scenic composition on the ghera. The center negative space is delicately spread out with small feather-like motifs. The sleeves are boldly ornamented on the shoulder and cuffs – finished with sparkly crystal ball edge hangings. The ankle-length ajaar pants are tastefully made in a brick-like chatta patti pattern, fortified in thick mukaish and floral detailing. Dupatta is in sheer organza with sprawling delicate aari jaal and floral vintage finesse. The light scallops borders are made in intricate resham, dabka, pearl, and cut-dana details. Tiny elephant motifs with ‘jhumkis’ on four corners of the dupatta add a little thoughtful charm to the whole look. (Limited customization is possible). Fabric = pure raw silk (shirt), pure organza (dupatta), pure satin silk (ajaar pants).
Tailored like a true heirloom, Sabaat is a traditional ivory and gold combo composed in block print floral details and contrasting rust and maroon chatta patti side panels. Each seam and outline is neatly covered in intricate zardozi and resham detailing. The work goes from the neck to the shoulder, grazing all around to the armhole and the side seams. The sleeves are artistically composed with Pan Patti motifs made in colored organza patchwork and marori work details. The baggy kurta cut is flawlessly finished with hanging gota details. The ivory top is paired with a striking deep maroon choori daar, with diagonal gota lines going all over. The completion of this outfit is dramatically marked with its luxuriously made chaadar. Thick resham and zardozi ottoman borders go on all four sides edged with spaced-out scallops. The inner four corners are heavily embellished with victorian grape bunches and rose motifs and the center area is dressed with clusters of sequin-zardozi and resham flower bunches. The entire shawl is given an inner facing of thick burgundy and gold Indian tissue intended for a royal effect. (Limited color customization possible). Fabric = pure raw silk and pure organza (shirt), pure organza (dupatta), pure raw silk (chooridaar).
This unique fusion composition is composed of dreamy floral details and butterfly motifs that are spread out thoughtfully on the blush pink net canvas. Thick resham floral borders are added all around the saree on a deep navy side base to add contrast to the dreamy floral palette. The fall area is lightly spread with intricate floral and sequin bunches that go all around. Tailored in solid rich navy raw silk, the blouse adds a beautiful strong contrast with its solid baroque ornamental motifs that go around the neckline, bicep, shoulders, and elbows. This saree is perfect for any festive occasion regardless of age group or event. It is a timeless piece worth being an heirloom collectible. (Limited customization available). Fabric = net and satin pattis (saree), pure raw silk (blouse), PK raw silk or zari silk optional (Petticoat).
This deep ox-blood red beauty is a vintage and traditional treat for all contemporary brides. The blouse consists of pure traditional zardozi used in 4 different shades of gold, uncut emeralds, mukaish, sequins, resham and maroori work encrusted with jewelled details. The motifs used are traditional and mughal embellishment inspired with kundan detailing spread all over. The back of the blouse is made entirely in floral artwork. The lehnga is cut in generous flare composed in floral panels with suspended mukaish motifs and cutwork scalloping at the hem. The belt of the lehnga is made in a beautiful shell garland that is finished in cut work along the waist line. Masterfully made jewelry motifs with thick emerald hangings add to the extra effect of grandeur. The dupatta is one of a kind kundan scalloped on all 4 sides. The head side has a thick and bold 6.5 inch border while the remaining 3 sides have a 1 inch scallop continuation. The lighter border sides are grazed with suspended gota garland motifs with paisley jewel motifs holding the strings. The red wine base is fully bedazzled with small jewelled bootis spread out all through the width. (Limited color and work customization possible). Fabric = Net + Pure kamkhwaab (blouse), Net + pure kamkhwaab (lehnga), net with silk finish (duppata).
This bridal lehnga is a whole narrative with its eclectic story-like composition including floral and bird motifs. At the bottom of the composition are hand-painted sky frames with 3-D birds and butterflies. Noorah is a 12 colored screen printed and painted base with intricate silver and golden zardozi and Swarovski detailing that go all the way to the bottom where it finishes in a scalloped hemline. The blouse comes in a chequered silver and colored boxy pattern and sleeves composed in diagonal chatta patti dressed in heavy gota, resham and zardozi. The back of the blouse goes into a deep U-shape with a hanging embellished string and ornament. This outfit comes with a traditional 4-side 12 colored pati border scalloped towards the inside of the dupatta with feminine flashes of lilacs and pinks mixed with kanga jamni work. The centre of the dupatta is filled with a generous spray of spade-shaped silver gota. The veil is a grand spread of 8 yards of sheerness delicately circled with a beautifully made zardozi border. The centre is spread with small lilac and pink butterflies and cherry blossom motifs finished with sterling crystal and dabka detailing. (Limited customization options available). Fabric = Raw silk + net (blouse), raw silk (lehnga), net (dupatta), net (veil).
A kaleidoscopic array of colors put together in the form of handmade chatta patti, dressed with nakshi pitta, mirror work, and sequin work. The lehnga pattern is a widespread Islamic art inspired geometric jaal with heavy mukaish sewn in the bottom star motifs. This outfit comes with a pure Indian tissue blouse composed of refined floral composition embellished in intricate resham and zardozi work. The dupatta is a 3 colored mukaish on net with heavy resham, zardozi and sheesha work borders. This colorful amalgamation of textures, patterns, and surfaces is perfect for sangeet and Mehndi/Shendi events. (Color customization can be done. Work customization is limited. Sleeves can be added. A flare of lehnga can be increased or decreased.) Fabric = Pure organza (lehnga), Pure Indian tissue (blouse), Mukaish on net (dupatta).