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This wine red cascading delicacy is a perfect embodiment of the regal bride with a contemporary touch. The dress is encrusted with glimmering gold, loaded with zardozi, applique, mukaish and embellished floridity.
The flattering bodice has a plunging V neckline-thoughtfully composed with motifs to accentuate the feminine curves that transcends into a voluminous kalidaar. This outfit is paired with two options for shawl and dupatta depending on the styling preference. One giving a glamourous shimmery look with heavy floral borders, the other laden with heavy jewel encrusted jaal representing vintage charm.
This striking combo of watermelon green with ribbed jade lines, is color blocked with a striking fuschia colour blend on top. The neckline is made beautifully with aligned ethnic jewellery inspired motifs made in intricate thread and mirror embroidery. The baggy long shirt silhouette with slim fit ankle trousers is without a doubt -a star for the summer season. The refined seams and edges are finished with delicate patterned pure laces to keep up with the feminine and bold vibe. Yesil is for every girl who’s out to make a statement on breezy summer day.
The classic black white long-kameez and cigarette pants is delicately embroidered in floral patterns in white thread and mirror-work. Pure chiffon black dupatta is dressed with corner paisley motifs and intricate geometric mirror work edging.
It’s a never-getting-wrong classic you can slip on whenever in doubt and look out for comfort with style
Dyed in diffusing shades of candy, peach and turquoise “Melek” is a call out loud for the bold and beautiful. Shimmering details of Swarovski, cut-dana and delicate mirror-work detailing are added on the neckline, sleeves and hemline. This boxy tunic is paired with A-line silky cotton culottes trimmed and finished with fine lace detailing.
This outfit carries the nostalgic old cinematic charm. Pure 80 count cotton is dyed in ombre style in diffusing shades of citrus and aqua- creating a subtle base for the shimmery clustery mirror work and tasseling on the hem. This classic kurta is paired with a 3-tiered gharara finished with minimalistic thread and mirror detailing. May it be a summer Dholak or Eid Milan Selale is a perfect feminine statement for this festive summer season.
Made in the finest organza drape then tie and dyed in fresh watermelon pink shades- Keraz is all you can wish for in a summer saree. The blouse is thoughtfully composed in ethnic mirror work and thread patterns- converging into a sultry cross-over back. This cool and edgy silhouette is the right balance of femininity and quirk. May it be a summer evening soiree or an intimate gathering- this saree is a sure head turner.
This citrus orange tie and dye piece is a statement on its own with a combination of chunri and linear print details along with mirror work pocket motifs and elaborate neckline setting. This outfit comes with a slim fit cigarette pants bottoms finished with scallop crochet lace detailing.